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قربانی کے احکام إعداد فضیلۃ الشیخ خالد بن علی المشیقح حفظه هللاأستاذ جامعة قصیم، سعودى عرب
ملخصات القواعد
1 Islamic University of Medina 2 WISDOM INTERNATIONAL SCHOOL (KASHMIR) 3 ALBANI ISLAMIC SCHOOL (KASHMIR) 2 Muslim Students board (Kashmir) 4 Understand Quran Easy way (online) 5 Islamic Online University (online) 6 edx Free education (online) 7 Khan Academy 8 Udemy Please Share updated 27-06-19
The message of the Qur’an is addressed to all creation, conveyed in the Arabic language. Allah Almighty says: ‘We have sent it down as an Arabic Qur’an so that you may understand.’ (12:2) Acquiring command over the Arabic language can be relatively easy for those who are native speakers, but can prove difficult for the…