Belief in Allah
- Absolute and total belief and acceptance in the Oneness of Allah.
There are three main branches which are derived by scholars based on the teachings of Qur’an.
رَبُّ السَّمٰوٰتِ وَالْاَرْضِ وَمَا بَيْنَهُمَا فَاعْبُدْهُ وَاصْطَبِرْ لِعِبَادَتِهٖ ۭ هَلْ تَعْلَمُ لَهٗ سَمِيًّا .
“Lord of the heavens and of the earth, and of all that is between them; so worship Him, and be constant and patient in His worship: Do you know anyone worthy of His name?” [2]
- Tawheed al-Ruboobiyah: توحيد الربوبية
B. Tawheed al-Uloohiyah: توحيد الألوهية
C. Tawheed al-Asma wa al-Sifaat:توحيد الاسماء و الصفات - Tawheed al-Ruboobiyah: the oneness of the lordshipتوحيدالربوبية
To believe that he is only one lord of all the universe and he is its creator, planner, provider, sustainer, who gives lives. …
Quran: Praise belongs to Allah, the Lord of all the worlds [3]
Quran: “Shall I take protector other than Allah the Creator of the heavens and the earth? And it is He Who feeds but is not fed…….[4]
- Tawheed al-Uloohiyah:the ones of the worship توحيد الألوهية
The belief that all acts and forms of worship must be directed to Allah alone, as He is the only One worthy and deserving of worship.
Quran: I did not create the Jinns and the human beings except for the purpose that they should worship only me. [5]
Quran: Your Lord has decreed that you worship none but Him….. [6]
- Tawheed al-Asma wa al-Sifaat: the oneness of the names and qualitiesتوحيد الاسماء و الصفات
It has Three types:
1 All the names and attributes of Allah Almighty are most beautiful.
2 We must not name or qualify Allah except with what he or his Messenger ﷺnamed or qualified him.
3 None can be named or quailed with the names or qualifications of Allah e.g. Al- karim, Al-Rahim,
1 All the names of Allah Almighty are most beautiful.
وَلِلَّهِ الْأَسْمَاءُ الْحُسْنَى فَادْعُوهُ بِهَا….. (سورة الاعراف 140:7)
Quran: The most beautiful names belong to Allah, so call on him by them…[7]
There are no limits in the names and attributes of Allah Almighty.
we should call(make dua) Allah by his beautiful names which are mentioned in the Quran and authentic hadith (E.g. Ya Raheem, Ya Rahmaan….) and should not call which are not mentioned. E.g. Ya Raheem, Ya Rahmaan….
2 We must not name or qualify Allah except with what he or his Messenger ﷺnamed or qualified him.
We only know which has been taught us by Quran and authentic hadith e.g. Al-rahim, Al- khaliq, Al-Malik… and we qualify them to Allah.
3 None can be named or quailed with the names or qualifications of Allah e.g. Al- karim, Al-Rahim,
we cannot name Al-Rahmanالرحمن (the most Merciful) to any one because only Allah is the most merciful but we can say rahman رحمن (Merciful) or Abd rahman because humans are merciful but not more than Allah Almighty.
The belief in His Beautiful Names and Lofty Attributes that are clearly stated in the Qur’aan and authentic Hadith, should be believed without changing them, completely ignoring them, twisting their meanings, or claiming that they resemble human attributes. Rather, If we describe Allah`s names and attributes we have to say as suits His Majesty. “e.g. we say Allah has a face as suits his Majesty”
All Praise are due to Allah
Amir Amin Lone
Admin: Academy Of Quran
Student: Muslim Students Board
21-Aug-16 2:19:00 PM
[1] Sahih Muslim Vol 1: 6
[2] Surah Mariam 19:65.
[3] Surah Fatiha 1:1
[4] Surah Anam6: 14 and Sura Muminoon 23: 84-89
[5] Qur’an.Sura al-Dhaariyaat 51: 56
[6] Sura al-Israa 17:23 and ( Sura al-Araaf 7:59,65,83,85;
Sura Hood 13:50,61,84; Sura al-Muminoon 23:23,32)
[7] Quran: (7:140)
1 The noble Quran (Darussalam)
2 Software: Shamela, Easy Quran and Hadith
3 عقیدۃ Muslim Students Board
4 Ask Islam Pedia
5 The authentic creed (Pdf)
Next: 2. Absolute and total belief and acceptance in the Angels of Allah.